Re: [wbs] response to 'WCAG Video Scripts - Thorough Review 2'

Hi Kim,

Many thanks for your thorough review and thoughtful comments! Please 
find some responses inline:

On 02/06/2021 20:27, Kimberly Patch via WBS Mailer wrote:
>> ---------------------------------
>> (Updated) Draft Script 1.3.1 "Info and Relationships"
>> ----
>> (Updated) Draft script for Success Criterion 1.3.1 "Info and
>> Relationships" (Nearby: previous version and changes made)
>> For each of your comments, please clearly indicate:
>>   * Location: eg. "SC 1.2.2 - Scene 2"
>>     * Priority: eg. "[e]" for editorial  or "[i]" for important
>>     * Current wording:
>>     * Suggested revision:
>>     * Rationale:
>   * [ ] I am comfortable with this script as it currently is (no changes
> suggested)
>   * [x] Please consider my comments raised in GitHub or in the comments
> field below (for editors' discretion)
>   * [ ] I abstain from commenting and accept the decisions of the Working
> Group
> Comments:
> Priority [e]
> Missing word makes it unclear:
> make it look the headings we saw earlier.
> make it look like the headings we saw earlier.

Fixed, thanks.

>> ---------------------------------
>> (Updated) Draft script for Success Criterion 1.3.3 "Sensory
>> Characteristics"
>> ----
>> (Updated) Draft script for Success Criterion 1.3.3 "Sensory
>> Characteristics" (Nearby: previous version and changes made)
>> For each of your comments, please clearly indicate:
>>   * Location: eg. "SC 1.2.2 - Scene 2"
>>     * Priority: eg. "[e]" for editorial  or "[i]" for important
>>     * Current wording:
>>     * Suggested revision:
>>     * Rationale:
>   * [ ] I am comfortable with this script as it currently is (no changes
> suggested)
>   * [x] Please consider my comments raised in GitHub or in the comments
> field below (for editors' discretion)
>   * [ ] I abstain from commenting and accept the decisions of the Working
> Group
> Comments:
> Priority [e]
> Editorial suggestion for clarity and consistency:
> She is browsing around the page and leaning in to read passages of text,
> then browse around again…
> She browses around the page and leans in to read passages of text, then
> browses around again…

Fixed, thanks.

>> ---------------------------------
>> (Updated) Draft script for Success Criterion 1.3.4 "Orientation"
>> ----
>> (Updated) Draft script for Success Criterion 1.3.4 "Orientation" (Nearby:
>> previous version and changes made)
>> For each of your comments, please clearly indicate:
>>   * Location: eg. "SC 1.2.2 - Scene 2"
>>     * Priority: eg. "[e]" for editorial  or "[i]" for important
>>     * Current wording:
>>     * Suggested revision:
>>     * Rationale:
>   * [ ] I am comfortable with this script as it currently is (no changes
> suggested)
>   * [x] Please consider my comments raised in GitHub or in the comments
> field below (for editors' discretion)
>   * [ ] I abstain from commenting and accept the decisions of the Working
> Group
> Comments:
> Priority [i]
> What this has me picturing is a wheelchair user who switches from one app
> to another depending on changing orientation needs. But what I suspect is
> meant is is a wheelchair user who chooses apps because they will always
> work in one particular orientation.
> Editorial comment on clarity:
> Such apps work for him while he is using the wheelchair and elsewhere.
> 'And elsewhere" begs a question (I can't picture what elsewhere is). Is the
> issue that the user can't change the orientation or it's difficult for the
> user to change the orientation – if so, we should say that clearly.

This entire sentence has been removed.

>> ---------------------------------
>> (Updated) Draft script for Success Criterion 1.3.5 "Identify Input
>> Purpose"
>> ----
>> (Updated) Draft script for Success Criterion 1.3.5 "Identify Input
>> Purpose" (Nearby: previous version and changes made)
>> For each of your comments, please clearly indicate:
>>   * Location: eg. "SC 1.2.2 - Scene 2"
>>     * Priority: eg. "[e]" for editorial  or "[i]" for important
>>     * Current wording:
>>     * Suggested revision:
>>     * Rationale:
>   * [ ] I am comfortable with this script as it currently is (no changes
> suggested)
>   * [ ] Please consider my comments raised in GitHub or in the comments
> field below (for editors' discretion)
>   * [ ] I abstain from commenting and accept the decisions of the Working
> Group
> Comments:
> Priority [e]
> Editorial for clarity:
> correcting mistake he made while typing).
> correcting a mistake he made while typing).
> OR
> correcting mistakes he made while typing).

Fixed, thanks.

The sub-group opened issue #69 on this script and welcomes your input:

>> ---------------------------------
>> Draft script for Success Criterion 2.1.1 "Keyboard"
>> ----
>> Draft script for Success Criterion 2.1.1 "Keyboard"
>> For each of your comments, please clearly indicate:
>>   * Location: eg. "SC 1.2.2 - Scene 2"
>>     * Priority: eg. "[e]" for editorial  or "[i]" for important
>>     * Current wording:
>>     * Suggested revision:
>>     * Rationale:
>   * [ ] I am comfortable with this script as it currently is (no changes
> suggested)
>   * [x] Please consider my comments raised in GitHub or in the comments
> field below (for editors' discretion)
>   * [ ] I abstain from commenting and accept the decisions of the Working
> Group
> Comments:
> Priority [i]
> This example seems off in depicting what I see when I look at email apps:
> Zoom in to part of the application called “attachments” with the
> drag-and-drop symbol. The “open file” is not very evident at first.
> With Gmail and Proton mail, Thunderbird on a PC, and Apple Mail when you
> click on the word or symbol (Paperclip) for attachments, the file browser
> comes up, and then you can either copy and click "Open" or "Choose File"
> standard for the operating system, or you can drag-and-drop. Or if you
> already have the file menu open, you can drag-and-drop.
> - The audio instructions imply that there's a button that might not be
> easily discoverable in the attachments part of the application, but in all
> four of these common email programs you press "attachments" to get the file
> system dialog box and the "Open" or "Choose File" buttons that you press
> after clicking attachment follow a standard set at the operating system
> level so these are standard controls we commonly see across programs.
> - It seems off to say "luckily" the email application supports copy and
> paste in addition to drag-and-drop when I can't find a standard email
> application that doesn't support copy and paste. What am I missing?

The sub-group opened issue #64 on this script and welcomes your input:

>> ---------------------------------
>> Draft script for Success Criterion 2.1.2 "No Keyboard Trap"
>> ----
>> Draft script for Success Criterion 2.1.2 "No Keyboard Trap"
>> For each of your comments, please clearly indicate:
>>   * Location: eg. "SC 1.2.2 - Scene 2"
>>     * Priority: eg. "[e]" for editorial  or "[i]" for important
>>     * Current wording:
>>     * Suggested revision:
>>     * Rationale:
>   * [ ] I am comfortable with this script as it currently is (no changes
> suggested)
>   * [x] Please consider my comments raised in GitHub or in the comments
> field below (for editors' discretion)
>   * [ ] I abstain from commenting and accept the decisions of the Working
> Group
> Comments:
> Priority [e]
> Editorial Correction
> We see him pressing the Backspace-key
> We see him pressing the Backspace key

Fixed, thanks.

The sub-group opened issue #65 on this script and welcomes your input:

>> ---------------------------------
>> Draft script for Success Criterion 2.1.3 "Keyboard (No Exception)"
>> ----
>> Draft script for Success Criterion 2.1.3 "Keyboard (No Exception)"
>> For each of your comments, please clearly indicate:
>>   * Location: eg. "SC 1.2.2 - Scene 2"
>>     * Priority: eg. "[e]" for editorial  or "[i]" for important
>>     * Current wording:
>>     * Suggested revision:
>>     * Rationale:
>   * [x] I am comfortable with this script as it currently is (no changes
> suggested)
>   * [ ] Please consider my comments raised in GitHub or in the comments
> field below (for editors' discretion)
>   * [ ] I abstain from commenting and accept the decisions of the Working
> Group
> Comments:

The sub-group opened issue #66 on this script and welcomes your input:

>> ---------------------------------
>> Draft script for Success Criterion 2.1.4 "Character Key Shortcuts"
>> ----
>> Draft script for Success Criterion 2.1.4 "Character Key Shortcuts"
>> For each of your comments, please clearly indicate:
>>   * Location: eg. "SC 1.2.2 - Scene 2"
>>     * Priority: eg. "[e]" for editorial  or "[i]" for important
>>     * Current wording:
>>     * Suggested revision:
>>     * Rationale:
>   * [ ] I am comfortable with this script as it currently is (no changes
> suggested)
>   * [x] Please consider my comments raised in GitHub or in the comments
> field below (for editors' discretion)
>   * [ ] I abstain from commenting and accept the decisions of the Working
> Group
> Comments:
> Priority [i]
> Scene 1: I would replace the word "flex" with "stretch". This seems like a
> small thing, but it's going to make folks with repetitive strain injuries
> cringe (already has, in fact).
> Scene 2: typo her/he
> Scene 3: I haven't seen a content management system with a single key
> shortcut for publish, which is good, because that would be bad design (you
> don't publish very often and there's a high cost If it's done
> accidentally). We should stay away from bad design choices like that in
> examples.
> Scene 4: This example misunderstands the issue with character key shortcuts
> and paints an impossible picture. Single letter shortcuts are a problem for
> speech users because anything they say that contains a letter can trip a
> single key shortcut, not just if they're spelling a word. So to illustrate
> the problem the reporter should say a word that contains the letter in
> question rather than spelling it, (or several words with several
> shortcuts).
> The other thing that's off here is single letter shortcuts can only be
> employed when the letter keys are needed for something else – like typing
> text. Single letter shortcuts aren't appropriate for anyone in the context
> that the video paints.
> So single letter shortcuts depend on focus and are conscripted for use only
> when users aren't otherwise using letter keys.
> For example, Thunderbird has single letter shortcuts that you can use when
> the focus is in the inbox (but not when you're composing).
> The trouble for speech input users comes when it appears that the focus is
> in the body of an email and they dictate several words – a string of
> letters – but, surprise, the focus is in the inbox. So instead of putting
> words on the screen, however many letters in those words trip shortcuts go
> off all at once. This is very easy to do if you're not using a mouse, which
> automatically moves the focus to what you are doing. It also happens when
> you know you're in your inbox, but someone else comes by and says something
> that trips single key shortcuts before you can turn the microphone off.
> Scene 5: Another misunderstanding – Shift P is a capital p, and so can
> also be tripped by dictation.
> I would rework this whole thing with a more realistic scenario.
> In general, I think these user videos are more powerful when the steps are
> from real user situations. I know we don't necessarily want to mention what
> software they're using, and may want to reshoot everything, but I think the
> steps in order need to be taken from real scenes that happen with real
> users who use the software often for real work. Even if you're
> well-informed about a disability and input method, looking in the air to
> put together steps without an exact runthrough with real software leaves a
> surprisingly large opening for things that don't work to creep in. I've
> made a bunch of speech input videos using my everyday set up and when I
> plot out a script beforehand I invariably leave something out. It's hard to
> picture without actually doing.

This script has been put on hold for now due to conflicting suggestions.

>> ---------------------------------
>> Draft script for Success Criterion 2.3.1 "Three Flashes or Below
>> Threshold"
>> ----
>> Draft script for Success Criterion 2.3.1 "Three Flashes or Below
>> Threshold"
>> For each of your comments, please clearly indicate:
>>   * Location: eg. "SC 1.2.2 - Scene 2"
>>     * Priority: eg. "[e]" for editorial  or "[i]" for important
>>     * Current wording:
>>     * Suggested revision:
>>     * Rationale:
>   * [ ] I am comfortable with this script as it currently is (no changes
> suggested)
>   * [ ] Please consider my comments raised in GitHub or in the comments
> field below (for editors' discretion)
>   * [ ] I abstain from commenting and accept the decisions of the Working
> Group
> Comments:
> Priority [e]
> Scene 3: Typo Manit/Manti

Fixed, thanks.

The sub-group opened issue #67 on this script and welcomes your input:


Shadi Abou-Zahra -
Accessibility Strategy and Technology Specialist
Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

Received on Monday, 21 June 2021 10:07:00 UTC