editorial suggestions for "Developer Modules" (https://wai-curricula.netlify.app/curricula/developer-modules/)

Dear Editors,

Go to page: https://wai-curricula.netlify.app/curricula/developer-modules/
1. The link to Module 1 is broken.
2. The link to Module 5 is broken.

Go to page:

1. Heading:  "Teaching ideas for topics"

- First bullet point: "Introduce case studies of organizations who have
adopted accessibility
  Should it not be "Introduce case studies of organizations which have
adopted accessibility".?

- Last bullet point, is the word "up" possibly missing after "brought"?,
see below

"Refer to specific legal cases related to accessibility and present their
settlements or outcomes. Find cases that were both upheld as well as
dismissed to determine the reasons for the outcome and explore why the case
was brought."

2. Heading:  "Ideas to Assess Knowledge for Topic".

- First bullet point, past tense in red should be introduced.

   - Practice — Students perform a specific task with the virtual assistant
   in their mobile phones. For example, students read the news, query the
   weather, or check items into a shopping cart. Assess students’ capacity to
   recognize innovation behind features originally designed for
   accessibility that many people use nowadays.

3. Go to page:
Not sure that capitals are necessary on "F" and "A" of "Functionality
Available" in the following sentence: For example, Functionality Available
from the Keyboard belongs to the principle Operable and helps keyboard
users as well as people using voice recognition software.

Kind regards,

V. Menezes Miller

Received on Sunday, 31 January 2021 23:39:32 UTC