Re: [en] Curricula on Web Accessibility: A Framework to Build Your Own Courses

Hi Kim,

Many thanks for your feedback!

Actually that page you are commenting on is not considered draft but we 
are always happy to get feedback and suggestions for improvement.

As I understand, you have three main comments:

#1. Overall process for collaborative development and commenting
#2. Preferences for the styling and presentation of the pages
#3. Preferences for the specific wording of the content

The first two points relate to the EOWG process and WAI Website Style 
respectively, and are outside the scope of this WAI Curricula project. 
I'm copying Shawn Henry who is conveniently primary EOWG Staff Contact 
and WAI Outreach Coordinator, and may have further thoughts on this.

As to the third point, could I ask you to provide rationale for each 
suggested change? Typically we ask people to provide such comments:

- Current text
- Suggested text
- Rationale for change
- Indication of priority (objection, strong suggestion, nice to have...)

The reason for this is that everyone has different wording preferences 
and we need to find a middle-ground between the different perspectives. 
I'm sure you will know this from writing Techniques and Understanding 
documents, someone always has a different wording preference but you'll 
need to draw a line somewhere. This text has undergone fairly extensive 
review and revisions already, so it would be good to have substantial 
comments (ie. technical flaws or otherwise high-priority issues) before 
re-opening discussions that the group has already closed.

It would be most helpful if you can provide your feedback directly as 
GitHub issues [1] but we welcome other formats too. For example, you 
could put your comments in a Word or possibly Google doc, and send the 
link. Of course the format used must be accessible. Please note that 
screenshots are not accessible. As noted, please include rationale for 
your suggestions, so that the group can better consider your input.


Many thanks,

On 08/04/2021 00:21, Kim Patch wrote:
> Greetings. I took a look. I like the contents – I think with a good edit 
> the language can be made clearer and tighter.
> My first very strong suggestion is about this process –I think it would 
> be much more efficient to take the text through an edit process using an 
> editing tool like Google docs that has a track changes/suggestions 
> feature rather than publishing draft language. This would allow more 
> people to efficiently suggest changes and would allow whoever's making 
> the changes to see each change and quickly accept or reject it.
> Here's some suggested language – just for the first part of the page. I 
> cut-and-paste into an editor to make the changes, but cutting and 
> pasting back into this email lost the formatting.
>     Curricula on Web Accessibility
>     A Framework to Build Your Own Courses
>     Summary
>     This is a resource to help teach accessibility. You can use it to
>     develop courses or include accessibility in existing courses.
>     Page Contents
>     Using the Curricula
>     Contents
>     Curricula Modules
>     Structure and Terminology
>     Essentials for Teaching Accessibility
>     Using the Curricula
>     This framework for teaching accessibility contains four modules that
>     help teachers show students how to make software accessible to
>     everyone.
>     The Foundation module covers broad accessibility concepts that
>     anyone in IT will benefit from. The Developer, Designer, and Author
>     modules cover skills for developers, designers, and content authors.
>     Teachers can mix-and-match from these modules to develop courses on
>     digital accessibility, or to include accessibility in courses such
>     as programming and graphics design. Teachers can combine modules to
>     create lightweight or in-depth training on accessibility. The
>     modules don’t prescribe duration, effort, or accreditation.
>     Some example uses:
>     A faculty lecturer might use parts of the Foundation, Developer, and
>     Designer modules to teach accessibility to computer science students.
>     An accessibility professional might tap the Foundation, Developer,
>     Designer, and Author modules to create an accessibility training course.
>     An employee training coordinator might use the curricula to assess
>     course content offered by other providers.
>     A procurer might base requirements in a training Request for
>     Proposals (RFP) on parts of the curricula.
>     A hiring manager might use the modules to compare the competencies
>     assessed for certificates.
>     Contents
>     The Foundation and Developer modules are available now. The Designer
>     and Author modules will be available in 2021.
> *
> **Here's a screenshot that lets you see the edited text a bit better 
> with basic formatting:
> *
> *Here's a screenshot of the ORIGINAL TEXT**for comparison – notice it's 
> considerably longer:**
> *
> -- 
> ______________________________________
> Kimberly Patch
> (617) 325-3966
> @patchontech
> ______________________________________

Shadi Abou-Zahra -
Accessibility Strategy and Technology Specialist
Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

Received on Thursday, 8 April 2021 06:40:12 UTC