Use and usefulness of filterable How to Meet WCAG (Quick Reference)

Do the editor's or EO working group have any data or feedback results from
folks actually using the
How to Meet WCAG (Quick Reference)?

   What kind of folks are using it?
   Were SME's  able to use it and find it helpful in their analysis and
   understanding of WCAG? I do!
   Were novice designers able to use it?
   Since it's built out of WCAG SC, Techniques, and Understanding
   documentation was it already too dev focused terminology?
   How long, or how much experience is needed first in order for a designer
   (not web developer) to be able to use the Quick Reference?
   Is the primary audience "Specific guidance for authors and evaluators on
   meeting ..."?
Phill Jenkins
+1 512-791-4517 mobile
See the new open source IBM Equal Access toolkit and accessibility checker
Accessibility Executive
IBM Design

Received on Tuesday, 8 September 2020 22:18:57 UTC