- From: Killet Softwareentwicklung GbR <akquise@killetsoft3.com>
- Date: Thu, 15 Oct 2020 11:02:57 +0200
- To: wai-eo-editors@w3.org
Subject: Presentation of Geodetic Software, Spatial Data and Geodetic Software Developer Kits from KilletSoft Consulting Engineers and invitation to download free trials. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Sir or Madam, this information is sent only to our business partners and to companies of the domains Geodesy and Cartography. We will send only once an electronic mail with this information to you. If you continue to be interested in information about the latest developments of our geodetic software and in our geodetic papers, please add your email address to our permanent mailing list on the website https://www.killetsoft.de/s_mlis_e.htm. Basic information and the profile of our society you can find on our website https://www.killetsoft.de. Our contact info you find at the end of this text. Our ambition is to offer a small and clearly structured spectrum of meaningful geodetic software with very high quality. Qualified personnel create our programs and databases with adequate development tools. Here you will find brief descriptions of our software. TRANSDAT - World-wide geodetic Coordinate Transformations ------------------------------------------------------------- The program performs Coordinate Transformations fast and with high accuracy. It supports thousands of world-wide Coordinate Systems, geodetic Reference Systems and Reference System Transitions (datum shifts), user-defined systems, 2D/3D transformations, INSPIRE, NTv2, EPSG, GPS, continental drift and more. It reads and writes the file systems Text, CSV, SDF, dBase, Arc-Shape, Arc-Generate, KML and others. More info and possibility to download a trial you find at https://www.killetsoft.de/p_trda_e.htm SEVENPAR - Calculation of Helmert Seven Parameter Sets ------------------------------------------------------ The program calculates exact parameter sets for the Spatial Helmert, Bursa-Wolf and Molodenski transformation with seven respectively three parameters, which are used for accurate geodetic datum shifts between different Reference Systems for Coordinate Transformations. More info and possibility to download a trial you find at https://www.killetsoft.de/p_svpa_e.htm GeoDLL - Geodetic Software Developer Kit ---------------------------------------- GeoDLL is a geodetic function library with world wide 2D and 3D Coordinate Transformation, datum shift, Helmert and Molodenski Parameters, NTv2, HARN, INSPIRE, EPSG, Digital Elevation Model (DEM), distance and Time Zone calculations and much more with highest accuracy and is available as 32Bit and 64Bit DLL and as C++ source code. More info and possibility to download a trial you find at https://www.killetsoft.de/p_gdla_e.htm DRAGSENS - Position of a Dragged Sensor --------------------------------------- The program is a geodetic software for the exact position estimation of a towed body, sensor, camera, array or net, dragged behind a ship, aircraft or vehicle, dragged underwater, at water, at earth surface or by airborne in real-time based on the location of a GPS-receiver. More info and possibility to download a trial you find at https://www.killetsoft.de/p_drsa_e.htm Geodata International -------------------------------------------------------------------- A database of world-wide most countries with towns, municipalities, town quarters, postal codes, administrative units and more with WGS84 and UTM coordinates and elevations for geocoding, data processing, proximity search, navigation, distance calculation as Text, CSV, SDF, dBase or SQL files with ANSI, UTF8 or Unicode character set. More info and possibility to download a trial you find at https://www.killetsoft.de/p_igda_e.htm Geodata Germany --------------- A topical database with all German towns, municipalities, town quarters, postal codes, telephone preselections, administrative units, nature areas, landscapes, travel areas, wind and snow loads, solar irradiation, cartographies info and more with GK/DHDN, UTM/ETRS89 and Geo/WGS84 coordinates and elevations for geocoding, data processing, proximity search, navigation, distance calculation as Text, CSV, SDF, dBase or SQL files with ASCII, ANSI, UTF8 or Unicode character set. More info and possibility to download a trial you find at https://www.killetsoft.de/p_dgda_e.htm TOPOWIN - Topographic and Cartographic Register of Germany ---------------------------------------------------------- The program is a Topographic Information System and country-wide register of the German Topographic Cartographies, the German Basic Cartography and of localities with georeferences in different Coordinate Systems. More info and possibility to download a trial you find at https://www.killetsoft.de/p_tpwa_e.htm ORTWIN - Locality Register and Place Research of Germany -------------------------------------------------------- A program for the country-wide inquiry of the localities in Germany to find towns, town quarters, postal zip codes, telephone pre selections, coordinates and elevations, landscape and climatic data and to perform perimeter searches and distance calculations. More info and possibility to download a trial you find at https://www.killetsoft.de/p_orwa_e.htm Graphics4VO - Graphics library for the language CA-Visual Objects ----------------------------------------------------------------- Graphics4VO is the graphics interface for the programming language CA Visual Objects with classes, methods and functions for the integration of graphics, images, charts and presentation for the display, printer, plotter, file and memory. More info and possibility to download a trial you find at https://www.killetsoft.de/p_gvoa_e.htm CONVERT - Data Conversion Freeware for KilletSoft's Geodata ----------------------------------------------------------- The Data Converter freeware program converts databases and files between the file formats dBase, CSV and SDF and the character sets ANSI, ASCII, UTF8 and Unicode and allows in the same time to sort the data and to do selections. More info and possibility to download a trial you find at https://www.killetsoft.de/p_cona_e.htm ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Best regards, your KilletSoft Development Team Killet Software Ing.-GbR Escheln 28a 47906 Kempen Germany Fon ++49 2152 961127 Fax ++49 2152 961128 https://www.killetsoft.de
Received on Thursday, 15 October 2020 09:03:19 UTC