Feedback regarding accessibility icons

Dear editors,

A quick feedback regarding the proposed accessibility icons (a preview 
was made available to be by Shadi):
The white lines on dark blue are contrasty, but very thin. Thin lines in 
fonts as well as graphics pose a problem for some users with low vision. 
I would recommend increasing the weight/width of the lines.

Detlev Fischer
Invited expert, AGWG

Detlev Fischer PhD
DIAS GmbH - Daten, Informationssysteme und Analysen im Sozialen

Telefon: +49-40-43 18 75-25
Mobile: +49-157 57 57 57 45
Fax: +49-40-43 18 75-19

Anschrift: Haubachstr. 72, D-22765 Hamburg
Amtsgericht Hamburg HRB 58 167
Geschäftsführer: Detlev Fischer

Received on Friday, 2 October 2020 12:00:05 UTC