Re: [wbs] response to 'EOWG Approval – Changes to Media Resource Summary'

Hi Shadi,

Thanks for review and comments. Would you provide more information on some points below -- especially the last one.

Shadi Abou-Zahra via WBS Mailer wrote:
> Comments:
> [editors] "Provide a text transcript from the caption text and the
> description of visual information so that people who are Deaf-blind get the
> video content." -- maybe add "Some media players do this automatically"?

I don't know of any media players that automatically combine the caption text and description. Also, for Deaf-blind, I understand that it's better outside of the media player.

> [editors] "Provide sign language so that Deaf people whose native language
> is sign get the content in their language." -- maybe add "where possible"
> to soften this a little (ie. "Provide sign language where possible" or
> such)? I know that this is not in-line with the current neutral approach
> but "provide" kind of sticks out to me.

Yeah, I really struggle with this -- given we want everyone to provide sign languages [plural], *and* most really cannot reasonably.

I had appeased myself with this wording because the list is introduced with:
This resource describes accessibility requirements in Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) and good practices beyond WCAG. It helps you:
* Provide sign language...

Yet I agree that it's likely many readers will skim or skip that, and end up with pretty much just "Provide sign language"...

One note is that "possible" isn't quite right. I mean, it's *technically possible* for anyone to, it's just not financially feasible for most.

I'll bring to EOWG options such as:
* Provide sign language when possible, so that ...
* Provide sign language where possible, so that ...
* Provide sign language if possible, so that ...
* If feasible, provide sign language, so that ...
... other...

>> ---------------------------------
>> Comments on other things
> [lo] "Many people who are Deaf can read text well. They get the audio
> information from transcripts or captions. Some people prefer sign
> language." -> "Many people who are Deaf get the audio information from
> transcripts or captions. Some people prefer sign language." -- the "can
> read text well" seems a little off IMO.

humm... I was intending it to be a shortcut for:
Many people who are Deaf can read and understand written language well. They get the audio information from transcripts or captions. Some people who are Deaf cannot read text well, especially at the speed of most captions. They need sign language.

shortened to:
Many people who are Deaf can read text well. They get the audio information from transcripts or captions. Some people prefer sign language.

Many people who are Deaf get the audio information from transcripts or captions. Some people prefer the information in their native sign language.

/me might add a GitHub issue for this...

> [med] I find this first page extremely long an overwhelming. I wonder if
> this should become a real first page of the resource that people could
> specifically point? Something like "background" or "getting started" or
> such.

I do not understand what you are proposing. What is the "this"? What content on what page(s)?

As a reminder (also in ):
* In the 30 October EOWG meeting we said we wanted quick tips.
* In the 20 November EOWG meeting we looked at a Quick Tips draft page. There was some discussion that they were too redundant with the first page of the resource. [I think largely from SAZ]
* Here's another approach: having the quick tips as bullets in the Summary of the first page.
* In the 4 December EOWG meeting EOWG came to a resolution to accept the approach to include tips as a summary at the top of the first page.

Personally I would like the quicktips on a separate page -- that is, the new bullets currently in the draft summary. However, not strongly enough to push if EOWG doesn't.

/me doesn't stop herself from drafting

Looking forward to EOWG discussion this week. :-)


Received on Thursday, 17 December 2020 22:54:48 UTC