A few minor comments on Making Audio and Video Media Accessible

Hello Shawn,

Here are a few comments on last draft of making audio and video media 

1. Audio description page: 
In "Tips for Recording Descriptions", typo: "Use a neutral voice that 
does nto convey emotions."

2. Captions page:

In Caption Tools:
This sentence is not clear : "Most caption-editing tools provide can 
export a plain text transcript."
Two verbs?

3. In page transcripts: 

In "does my media need a transcript"? There seems to be one word that 
should be deleted: "In a some cases, transcripts are not required to 
meet WCAG standards."

4. In page Sign languages: 

"Sign language is not required by most policies.
Sign language is in the WCAG standard at Level AAA. "
Shouldn't it be explained why it is not required. Often, deaf people are 
not satisfied that sign language is not available.
5. Accessible media players: 
Typo in, player accessibility functionality: "More details on player 
accessibility functionalty are in a separate document:"

That's all!

Best and hearing from you in September!



Received on Friday, 9 August 2019 14:34:51 UTC