[learn more link lists [was [wbs] response to 'EOWG Weekly Survey - Due 16 Sep 2015']

On 9/17/2015 2:24 PM, Shawn Henry wrote:
> On 9/17/2015 1:18 PM, Kevin White wrote:
>>> c. It's generally uncool to have a list with one item, and it takes up more
>>> space. When there is only one item in a category, I think it should be one
>>> bullet. [low]
>> Point taken. I think that the view was that consistency in presentation was of slightly more value. you marked this a [low], are you happy to live with as is, or would you like it raised?
> I think people weren't focusing on that point.
> Also, "as is": it is both ways throughout the docs last I checked. :-)
> If there's time, I'd like to bring it up briefly. Get initial input from EOWG folks and if there's not a clear majority, go with Editor's discretion.


If the category heading is on it's own, then maybe it doesn't need to be bold?

If that looks OK (not bold), then I'm fine with not asking EOWG specifically about not having nested list when there's only one item.


Received on Thursday, 17 September 2015 20:36:25 UTC