RE: quick reply pls -- New WAI website category for "user" documents?


Quick reaction - I like  the idea of a separate top level navigation page. The documents you have in that category generally seem to me to fit together. I think we should brainstorm the name of 'User Perspective'. That doesn't quite work for me, but off hand I don't have anything better to suggest.

Jack . 
Jack R. Welsh, Ph.D., CPT 
Boeing LTD Manufacturing & Quality
P.O. Box 3999 M/S 6R1-9H 
Seattle, WA 98124 
(206) 679-7453

-----Original Message-----
From: Shawn Henry [] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 15, 2009 9:11 PM
To: Shadi Abou-Zahra; Judy Brewer; Andrew Arch; Helle Bjarnø; Alan Chuter; Sylvie Duchateau; William Loughborough; Liam McGee; Sharron Rush; Doyle Saylor; Jennifer Sutton; Welsh, Jack R; Yeliz Yesilada
Subject: quick reply pls -- New WAI website category for "user" documents?
Importance: High

Yeliz, Jack, Jennifer, Doyle, Sharron, Liam, Sylvie, Alan, Helle, Andrew, Shadi, Judy,

We have several new documents recently published and upcoming over the next few months that are for "users", including people with disabilities and older users with age-related impairments.

We are considering adding a top level navigation category to the WAI website information architecture. A draft of one idea is at:

Please reply with some quick thoughts now. We might make an initial decision on *Wednesday 16 December*.

If you have time, please also send thoughts on:
* do we want to add a top level navigation category or not?
* if no, where should the new documents go in the current information architecture?
* if yes, which documents should go in the new category?
* if yes, what should it be called? if you were an "average" "user", what would words in the navigation would lead you to select them thinking that there was material there for you?

NOTE: Please reply to as appropriate.

Thanks for any input!


Received on Wednesday, 16 December 2009 13:07:28 UTC