Users perspective

If you have time, please also send thoughts on:
* do we want to add a top level navigation category or not?
Yes! It should have the prominence that seems evident in the "sample"

* if yes, which documents should go in the new category?
The very ones in the sample. We can always modify/add - this doesn't
take the process overhead of a rec or even a note.

* if yes, what should it be called?
"User Participation - it is a self-reflexive part of "involving users..."

* if you were an "average" "user", what words in the navigation would
lead you to select them thinking that there was material there for
Participles like: using; participating, improving, joining, helping,
evangelizing (?) might be "magnets" to attract those users who want to
DO SOMETHING about A11y.



Received on Wednesday, 16 December 2009 05:53:27 UTC