Re: accessibility review and 4.0 release

Phill or T.V. may be able to comment, shouldn't we get comments from Scott
Isaacs or Thomas Reardon since MS seems to leading the charge? 

- Mike

At 12:49 PM 9/15/97 -0400, Al Gilman wrote:
>to follow up on what Jason White said:
>> Are there any items which I have forgotten to address?
>I think there is still another issue you raised which is
>	Do images loaded in to FRAMEs have the
>	same mapping and alternate-text 
>	capabilities as images imported with
>	the IMG tag?  Should they?
>The other major issue I worry about that you didn't mention is
>dynamism.  This is a significant problem and I would like some
>effort put into seeing if we can reduce these concerns to
>specific HTML language issues or make it clear that the
>langugage is not the culprit.  Yes, in a hurry.
>Would Phill or T.V. care to comment on what is happening in this
>Al Gilman

Received on Monday, 15 September 1997 13:14:48 UTC