Re: W3 WWW sites?

> I was appalled to find that while we as the so called WAI initiative
> have been pontificating to the rest of the world about accessible
> document design,
> the W3C's own pages describing HTML are full of images with missing
> descriptions!
> Daniel-- Want to take this up as a first WAI action item?

Thanks Raman, 

I regularly check our top page, the WAI and my personal pages,
but not the whole site.

I ran Bobby this morning against all our second level links (from the
top page) and there are indeed a lot of missing ALT attributes.

I notified the W3C team page owners of the issues and I hope to see
some improvement soon (throughout the site, not just the top)

One could argue that the WAI hasn't come up yet with an official
set of Markup guidelines so our site cannot be compliant with it, but
for the sake of the W3C team, I came up with a "top three" list

 - all IMG should have ALT (paramount)
 - Anchor text should be descriptive (no <A HREF=..>Click here</A>)
 - Use Client side image map (I'm not sure we have any map)

I'd be happy to receive comment on the logical reading order
accessibility level of our top page ( It uses a big table
to layout things out...

Received on Monday, 25 August 1997 05:06:55 UTC