Re: OBJECT and map

On Sat, 16 Aug 1997, Al Gilman wrote:
> I see some alternatives to USEMAP on OBJECT that we should be
> prepared to discuss.
> One is to embed a link to the long description of the image in a
> client-side map of links.  [As with all MAP AREAs this would
> require ALT text.]  This suggests that IMG+USEMAP can meet
> minimum requirements, although OBJECT+USEMAP give better
> capability to say things well.
As Al recognises, this is not a viable substitute for the capacity to
include image maps by means of the OBJECT element, due to the degree to
which OBJECT allows the links to be embedded within the descriptive text.

 > > The other approach is what, after my conversation with Murray
at > the meeting, I would call metadata-related approaches.  This
> involves getting accessibility needs integrated into a more
> general approach to how information about resources is made
> available.

It would be of interest to know how such an approach would operate
concretely to overcome accessibility problems. Taking Daniel's example of
a description which is to be displayed as an alternative to an image map,
with the link to each map area being incorporated directly into the
description, how would such functionality be reproduced using a metadata
From what Al has said, it is evident that metadata may have considerable
advantages in reducing the effort required of authors in preparing
accessible documents. Perhaps this is a convenient opportunity to consider
how such a solution would be implemented.

Received on Saturday, 16 August 1997 20:01:53 UTC