[w3c-wai-wg] <none>

Subject: Auditory User Interfaces Book Announcement
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Reply-To: raman@adobe.com
From: "T. V. Raman" <raman@adobe.com>
X-Phone: 1 (408) 536-3945
X-Fax: 1(408) 537-4042

(Apologies if you see this twice, but Al Gilman pointed out that my posting
didn't make it to the list)


Over the past two years , you've probably heard me say more
than once that I strongly believe that speech interfaces for
the mainstream computer user will be the next big revolution
once the Internet excitement has blown over.

Over the last sixteen months, I've spent most of my weekends
writing down these user interface ideas in a book entitled
"Auditory User Interfaces --Toward The Speaking Computer".

The book is published by Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston and
you can visit it at http://cs.cornell.edu/home/raman/aui/aui.html or
order the book over the Internet from the publishers WWW site at

 Accessibility note: I'll try and have an accessible version made
available via RFB&D as soon as possible.

Book Details:
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston
Hardbound, ISBN 0-7923-9984-6
August 1997, 168 pp.


1. Speech-enabled Applications
2. Nuts And Bolts Of Auditory Interfaces
3.  Audio Desktop
4. Concrete Implementation Of An Audio Desktop
5. Speech-enabling The WWW

Share And Enjoy:


Best Regards,

      Adobe Systems                 Tel: 1 (408) 536 3945   (W14-129)
      Advanced Technology Group     Fax: 1 (408) 537 4042 
      (W14 129) 345 Park Avenue     Email: raman@adobe.com 
      San Jose , CA 95110 -2704     Email:  raman@cs.cornell.edu
      http://labrador.corp.adobe.com/~raman/        (Adobe Intranet)
      http://cs.cornell.edu/home/raman/raman.html    (Cornell)
    Disclaimer: The opinions expressed are my own and in no way should be taken
as representative of my employer, Adobe Systems Inc.

Received on Thursday, 14 August 1997 14:45:20 UTC