Re: OBJECT and map

Al wrote:
> I think we should follow Murray's advice.  We need to explain the
> accessibility scenario where we thought we wanted a USEMAP on OBJECT
> so they can grasp the accessibility issue.  What we really need
> is the capability for more general conditional document content
> than a simple text string.  We want at least a conditional hyperlink.
> If they come back and give us an IF-THEN-ELSE control-flow structure
> where you can have an arbitrary DIV in each branch, we will have
> enough capability to do better than what we said we wanted to do.

I don't think trying to do better than what we said we wanted to do is
going to help us. Asking for control-flow structure at this stage of
the HTML4 spec is not wise.

I agree with your first statement (we need to explain the scenario).

I'd like someone from the group, not me (that would just be another
W3C staff expressing its opinion on the matter, and I think we have
enough staff support in the HTML WG currently - that is the industry
side we need to convince), to make a short, focus proposal giving
rationales why WAI needs this functionality, comparing with what's
already there in IMG, or what we could add to IMG.

Received on Thursday, 14 August 1997 05:31:19 UTC