Daniel Glazman: TITLE of a FRAMEd document

Funny, at the same time we were saying "this needs more
investigation", someone else came up with the same idea.

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From: Daniel.Glazman@der.edfgdf.fr (Daniel Glazman)
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Subject: TITLE of a FRAMEd document
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Date: Mon, 4 Aug 1997 15:23:31 +0100 (WET DST)
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Just a remark : in my favorite browser (you won't know ;-), it is
impossible to access (=to read) the TITLE of a document rendered in a
frame. This is an existing and inaccessible information.  It would be
nice to make it readable.

On the WAI side, what should be the behaviour of a browser in front of
framed TITLEs ? The section about the TITLE element is intentionnally
"light" and gives no clue. Giving the TITLE information to the user
can be important to let him determine the kind of data present in a


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