- From: Jason White <jasonw@ariel.ucs.unimelb.EDU.AU>
- Date: Fri, 18 Jul 1997 13:20:34 +1000 (AEST)
- To: WAI Working Group <w3c-wai-wg@w3.org>
This discussion has raised the issue of the relationship between the proposed ALTSRC attribute and user interface considerations. It may be necessary to modify CSS syntax, if the ALTSRC idea is accepted, to enable this attribute to act as a selector. Such modification could be made to CSS syntax as a whole, or it could be a special feature that is available to ACSS styles only. If long descriptions are implemented by means of the OBJECT element as exemplified in one of my earlier contributions to this discussion, then clearly the existing CSS syntax would enable anchors with OBJECT elements in their ancestry to be selected. This possibility is particularly valuable when using ACSS, since it would allow anchors referring to long descriptions to be spoken in a different voice or indicated with an appropriate audio cue. Perhaps a link type for long descriptions needs to be defined so that anchors which relate to long descriptions can be properly differentiated from other anchors that might appear within OBJECT elements. (rel="longdesc")? Obviously, it would be important to have corresponding functionality with respect to the ALTSRC proposal, hence the foregoing suggestion to modify CSS or ACSS syntax.
Received on Thursday, 17 July 1997 23:20:46 UTC