Re: Acronyms and Abbreviations?

TVR> Jan in a calendar is January;
TVR> but you dont want the speech UA to say January every time it sees Jan.
TVR> This latter category of acronyms would be useful to markup.

DSR> Except this is really an abbreviation, that is easily handled by
DSR> client-side dictionaries.

Not rue. If  a client-side dictionary went ahead and treated Jan as an
 abbreviation for January,
you'd get 
the first name "Jan" spoken as January.

TVR> In fact marking up "lb" might help both speech users as well as
TVR> non-native speakers of English i.e.
TVR> <acronym title = "pounds"TVR>lb</acronymTVR>

Yes, that is how I would use it too.

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Received on Monday, 9 June 1997 16:23:22 UTC