Re: Forward: D tags and ICADD thread.

Al Gilman writes:
 > Two footnotes for this thread:
 > Lloyd Rassmussen did a good job of introducing WebHeads to life
 > with Braille in a note on the lynx-dev mailing list, archived at
 > The "content" and "presentation" of braille documents are not so
 > independent as in the visual-print realm.  Braille is very

The above is not a true statement.

What is true is that
the presentation of Braille cannot always
 be directly derived from the visual
presentation of the content.

But  to say that Braille formatting is in some way different from visual
 > formatting in terms of separation of content from  presentation is
definitely incorrect.
 > physical; it must fit the fingertip.  Disasters occur when a non-user
 > tries to do something without checking with a user, as seen in 
 > the "monumental scale" braille in the new FDR memorial.  A news
 > article about this can be found at

Yes-- Braille formatting needs to take into account the needs of the finger
  tip just as much as visual formatting takes care of the needs of the eye.
But the above is just to acknowledge that Braille formatting is different from
  and distinct from visual formatting for the eye--
it does not assert that Braille formatting requires formatting specific
  knowledge  to get tangled up in the information content.

 > --
 > Al Gilman

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Received on Tuesday, 20 May 1997 11:47:53 UTC