RE: UAAG 2.0 for text customization

Comments marked JR:

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jeanne Spellman []
> Sent: September-27-13 12:54 PM
> To: UAWG
> Subject: Fwd: UAAG 2.0 for text customization
> As requested at the meeting of 26 September 2013, I have put all of the Text
> Customization changes into the documents.  The new items are marked [N<]
> at the start and [>N] at the end of the new item to make it easier to search
> for them.  The proposed items or phrases to be deleted are marked with
> [D<] at the start and [>D] at the end.  I hope that makes it more
> screenreader-friendly without too much visual and auditory clutter.

1.4.1 Configure text globally => OK (though I suggest handle: "Configure Text Scale, Color, Font")
1.4.2 Configure text elements => SEE BELOW
1.4.3 Configure text globally => OK - except who would choose Italic?
1.4.4 Printing configured and reflowed text: => SEE BELOW
1.4.5 Configure text elements=> I like the construct but wonder about some of the items...Text style: Italic?; Margins: lists example is tricky ...maybe better to universal control of anything indented (lists, blockquote etc.).
1.4.6 Configure text globally => I like the construct but wonder about some of the items (e.g. when they say margins, do they mean padding).

> While putting in the text, I wanted to make note of my initial concerns:
> 1) I don't agree with putting all the IER for 1.4 together.  This is a departure
> from our usual style that I don't want to do it for one guideline. If the group
> agrees, I'll work on converting the examples to our usual format of IER per
> individual SC or small group of SCs. If most of you agree and on this email
> thread, I'll schedule time before the next meeting to do them.

JR: I agree that the IERs need to be at the SC level as with MOST of the others. You could possibly split it so that that certain IER blocks cross several SCs (as with this:, although I'm not really a fan of that.

> 2) The proposed stems (handles or titles for the SC) are not unique, when we
> had agreed a long time ago to have unique stems.  I will send a separate
> email with proposed stem changes.

JR: I agree that the stems need to be unique.

> 3) Proposed 1.4.2 & 1.4.5 Configure text elements: The user can set all of the
> following characteristics of visually rendered text content for headings, main
> text, and other elements:
> "other elements" is not a testable term. I had hoped that we could link to the
> term "important elements", but that definition is related to navigation.  I
> think we need to spell out what the specific elements are that can be
> customized, otherwise, the sC will be interpreted to provide element
> customization for every available element, which is too much for Level AA. I
> suggest that the important elements are: headings, main text, links, table
> headings, table data, and input elements. Are there any others that are so
> important that we need to specifically call them out?

JR: I agree that "Other elements" is not testable. I like you list except "Input elements" which is already covered by 1.3.1.

> 4)Proposed 1.4.4. Printing configured and reflowed text: The user can print
> blocks of text that is configured according to the success criteria of guideline
> 1.4 and/or reflowed according to success criteria 1.8.x, including text that is
> zoomed. (Level AA)
> I remember we spent months on this and finally decided we couldn't do it.
> Does anyone remember more of the details on this?

JR: Printing...oy! I don't really like the recently proposed text because it fails to mention other rendering changes such as highlighting. Greg proposed some more expansive printing text here:

In June 2012 we assigned it to UAAG-next


> ----------------------------------
> Don't miss the new examples and changes to IER in 1.8 and the changes to
> the SC in 1.8.7 Reduce Horizontal Scrolling.
> jeanne
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: UAAG 2.0 for text customization
> Resent-Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2013 14:42:32 +0000
> Resent-From:
> Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2013 09:42:16 -0500
> From: Shawn Henry <>
> To:
> Dear UAAG Working Group,
> Thank you for continuing to work on covering users' needs to customize text
> in UAAG 2.0.
> In follow up to your 11 April and 29 August meetings, I have further drafted
> suggestions for UAAG itself and for Implementing UAAG, which are
> attached. (The "internal notes" are for Working Group background, not
> intended for the final docs.) While these are based on research and
> knowledge of users' needs[1], they may be clunky in terms of user agent
> accessibility standards, which is not my area of expertise.
> Please let me know how I can help provide perspectives on users' needs as
> you work through how to cover them within the parameters of UAAG.
> Best Regards,
> ~Shawn
> [1] Understanding Users' Needs to Customize Text Display
> <>,
> When Text is Not Displayed Well <>,
> Research on Text Customization <>

Received on Friday, 27 September 2013 20:00:21 UTC