ACTION-853 1.3.1 Examples

I am working on Action-853 to look at 1.3.1 and see if any examples 
depend on (d)elements with alternative content  [(d) has been deleted].

I found the example of Brin:
[mobile] Brin is deaf. The video player she is using has a button 
displayed beneath the playing video that indicates that captions are 
available. She clicks the button to toggle the captions on so she can 
understand the video. On her mobile phone, Brin touches a video, which 
displays the controls including the "display caption" control.

This is a good example, and I would like to put it elsewhere.  Does 
anyone have an opinion of where it should go? I was thinking 1.1.2 which 
actually needs some examples:

1.1.2 Indicate Unrendered Alternative Content:

The user can specify that indicators be displayed with rendered content 
when recognized unrendered alternative content is present. (Level A)

Received on Thursday, 5 September 2013 21:19:16 UTC