Review of Principle 1

Here are my notes on principle 1, similar to what we discussed at the F2F on 3, 4 and 5.  Principle 2 when come in a separate email.  Most of these are small edits.

1.1   Intent
Some users with disabilities may find that specific images, videos, or other content elements are unusable or cause pain, or that such elements make the page difficult to use because of their size. In these cases users need the ability to either hide the element when it is painful or makes the page difficult to view, and/or get access to alternative content that will be more usable for them than the original element. Users with some disabilities may find a specific content element causes them physical pain (e.g. an image with high contrast) or distress (e.g. an image that triggers post traumatic stress disorder), or that the element's size may make the page difficult to use (because of difficulty scrolling, or shifting gaze, or moving the pointer more than a certain distance). In these cases the user needs to be able to hide that element or replace it with alternative content or a placeholder. Other users may find specific elements are simply unusable (e.g. an image that is too low contrast for the user's vision). In these cases the user needs to be able to access author-provided alternative content (e.g. Alt text or Longdesc) or the very minimum a placeholder (e.g. filename).

Some users with disabilities need alternate languages or audio tracks (e.g. descriptive video). Users need the ability to choose tracks that best meet their accessibility needs (e.g. the caption track in their own language) when authors have provided many alternatives.

Note: If the user cannot directly select or choose the element in order to perform commands upon it (e.g. if the browser does not support clicking on HTML background images or moving focus to them with the keyboard), the user agent must provide an alternative user interface for this feature.

KFord Comment:
This is our first SC and such so the reader is going to form an impression from this.  The first two sentences of the intent seem to be saying the same thing as the second two.  The second two seem stronger so I'd suggest deleting the first two sentences.

1.1.2 - still missing IER points to action 852 on Jan.

1.1.3 The numbering in the SC is still not right.  This is the one that caused my initial concerns at the F2F.

1.1.5 - Still has an @@ for action 855

1.2.1 current:
1.2.1 Support Repair by Assistive Technologies:
If text alternatives for non-text content<> are missing or empty then both of the following are true: (Level AA)
a.     The user agent<> does not attempt to repair<> the text alternatives with text values that are also available to assistive technologies.
b.     The user agent makes metadata related to the non-text content available programmatically (and not via fields reserved for text alternatives).

We need to talk about this one.  The example seems to contradict this because it talks about the browser displaying the file name.  yet AT has access to that already since it is what some AT already uses.

1.3.1 still has links to two actions 853 and 869.

1.4.1 Summary

Not sure if these are the updated ones but there is a extra the in this one.

Summary: The user can control text font, color, and size (1.4.1), including whether all text should be the***delete***  shown the same size (1.4.2).

1.4.2 Intent
Were in this should be are.

Original text:
The relative size of text provides visual cues that help in understanding and navigating web content. Some content may be authored in a way that makes it difficult or impossible to understand when font distinctions were***are*** hidden, such as headlines that are in a larger font than body text.

1.4.2 Example
This needs the word font.
o   Lee has low vision. She finds text easiest to read at 16 pt Palatino and chooses to have her browser display body text in the 16 pt Palatino***add font***.

1.5.1 Intent
Of needs to be inserted in this sentence.
*        User agents can render audio tracks from a variety***insert of***  sources, and in some cases, multiple audio tracks may be present on a single page. Users should be able to globally set the volume of audio tracks, rather than having to adjust the volume of each audio track being played.

1.6.2 note
Use should instead of will in the note.
Orignal text:
Note: Because the technical implementations of text to speech engines vary (e.g. formant-based synthesis, concatenative synthesis), a specific engine may not support varying pitch or pitch range. A user agent will***should*** expose the availability of pitch and pitch range control if the currently selected or installed text to speech engine offers this capability.

1.6.4 example
Tyhpo in disability
Original text:
o   Penny has a reading disabililty***disability***.

1.7.3 Example
Has an extra text.

Original Text:
[mobile] Mattias has ADHD and finds text easiest to read text***delete***  if text is highlighted in blue as it is being read out loud on his desktop or mobile devic

1.8.3 resource
Says the linked reference isn't complete.  Is this still true?

1.8.4 example
Recipe has a typo.
o   Tanya has low vision. She is reading a receipe***recipe*** on a website with a fixed size popup window. Tanya has set a preference in her browser to override t

1.8.7 intent
User should be users.
Original text:
*        Note: User agents are encouraged to allow user***s*** to override author instructions not to wrap content (e.g. nowrap).

1.8.8 example:
Akward working here.
o   Justin has an attention deficit disorder. He is studying an online college course and finds a word that he doesn't know. He follows a link to the definition of the word. After reading the definition, he uses the back button (viewport history) to return. The word remains***delete*** selected remains the same so he doesn't have to reorient or find it on the page.

1.9.1 intent
Missing word to

Original text:
Outline views allow users ***to*** get a simplified view or overview of a document. They are particularly useful for users with memory or cognitive disabilities,

1.9.2 Source View:
The user can view all source text<> that is available to the user agent<>.

We need to talk about this one.  It isn't clear to me what we mean here.  With today's web the page source and the rendered page content source can be vastly different.

Received on Thursday, 5 September 2013 02:27:40 UTC