user agent definition


Jeanne I made some changes to the last section of the user agent 
definition today -- /web view component/ -- please take a look below. We 
also added examples. If anyone has good examples for the last section, 
please suggest them.


user agent
    A user agent is any software that retrieves, renders and facilitates
    end user interaction with Web content. If the software only performs
    these functions for time-based media, then the software is typically
    referred to as a *media player*, otherwise, the more general
    designation *browser* is used. UAAG 2.0 identifies several user
    agent architectures:

    stand-alone, non-web-based, browser: These user agents run on
    non-Web platforms (operating systems and cross-OS platforms, such as
    Java) and perform content retrieval, rendering and end-user
    interaction facilitation themselves. (e.g. Firefox, IE, Chrome, Opera).

    embedded user agent: These user agents "plug-in" to stand-alone user
    agents in order to rendering and facilitate end-user interaction for
    content types (e.g. multimedia), that the stand-alone user agent is
    not able to (e.g. Quicktime, Acrobat Reader, Shockwave). Embedded
    user agents establish direct connections with the platform (e.g.
    communication via platform accessibility services)

    web-based user agent: These user agents operate by (a) transforming
    the web content into a technology that the stand-alone (or embedded)
    user agent can render and (b) injecting the user agent's own user
    interface functionality into the content to be rendered. (e.g.
    Gmail, Facebook, Skype)

    web view component, mobile app: These user agents are used to
    package a constrained set of web content into non-web-based
    applications, especially on mobile platforms. If the finished
    application retrieves, renders and facilitates end-user interaction
    with web content, then the application is a user agent. If the
    finished application only renders non web content, then the
    application is not a user agent for the purposes of UAAG 2.0

Received on Friday, 17 May 2013 16:41:35 UTC