4 new Summary proposals

We are falling behind our timeline in finishing writing the implementing 
document, so I thought I would spend an hour this morning writing 
proposals instead of coffee and email. So note that some of these were 
written before I had any caffeine.  :D

I encourage others to do the same.  We have only have 16 summaries and 
18 IERs to be complete.

PROPOSED Summaries

Guideline 2.2 - Provide sequential navigation
Summary: Users without pointing devices need to navigate sequentially 
(2.2.3) to all the operable elements (2.2.1) in the viewport as well as 
between viewports (2.2.2).  Users can opt stop wrapping or request a 
signal when wrapping occurs (2.2.4).

Guideline 2.3 - Provide direct navigation and activation
Summary: In addition to sequential navigation, users need direct 
navigation (e.g. keyboard shortcuts) to frequently used elements (2.3.1) 
with immediate activation of the command(2.3.3). Display the command 
with the element, to make it easier for users to discover the command 
(2.3.2 & 2.3.4).  Give the user an option to remap the direct commands 
to their needs (2.3.5).

Guideline 2.4 - Provide text search
Summary: All users, but especially users who listen to a web page 
sequentially,  need the ability to scan web content for specific 
character strings. The user can search the rendered content (2.4.1) 
forward or backward (2.4.2) and can have desired text displayed in the 
viewport (2.4.3). The user is notified if there is no match (2.4.4)

Guideline 2.6 - Provide access to event handlers
Summary: Users may interact with web content by mouse, keyboard, voice 
input, gesture, or a combination of input methods. Users need to know 
what event handlers (e.g. onmouseover) are available at the element 
(2.6.1), activate the event (2.6.2) or activate all events (2.6.3) at 
that element.

I'll stop here and put these in a survey.  :)
Jeanne Spellman
W3C Web Accessibility Initiative

Received on Wednesday, 21 September 2011 13:16:37 UTC