Re: one HTML WG chair's opinion on bug requiring @title for FRAME & IFRAME


i just wanted to remind y'all that as long as you create an account at 
the w3c bugzilla

and as long as the bugs you want to track are publicly tracked bugs
(which HTML5 is), you can comment on bugs logged there, such as that 
which i submitted on behalf of this WG requiring @title for FRAME 
and IFRAME -- so far, HTMLWG bug 10709 has received only negative 
feedback, building on the comment quoted in my original post...


---- Original Emessage ------
From: Gregory J. Rosmaita <>
Date: Thu, 23 Sep 2010 20:13:54 +0100
Message-Id: <>

taken from

--- Comment #1 from Maciej Stachowiak <>  2010-09-23 19:07:14 ---

I'm not sure this is such a good idea. iframes in particular are often 
used as part of the UI of a page in a "transparent" way - there's some 
controls in it that are part of the tab cycle, but the user is generally 
not made aware of the fact that there even is a subframe. In such a case, 
it seems like there is no specific need to give a description of the 
iframe. As for the <frame> element (as opposed to <iframe>), it is not 
conforming in HTML5, so it doesn't make sense to have authoring 

Received on Friday, 24 September 2010 17:19:36 UTC