Techniques for 5.3.5 and 5.3.X

Here are more comments.

5.3.5 Context Sensitive Help: There is context-sensitive help on all user agent features that benefit accessibility. (Level AAA)
The purpose of this criteria is to help maximize the discovery of user agent features that benefit accessibility.
A user is exploring the menus of a user agent and finds a feature named Use My Style Sheet.  Activating help the user quickly learns that this feature allows custom CSS stylesheets to be created to help make web content more accessible.

5.3.x Appropriate Language If characteristics of your user agent involve producing an end user experience such as speech, you need to react appropriately to language changes.
The goal of this criteria is to ensure that user agents present spoken web content with in the language appropriate to the content as indicated by the lang attribute.  Authors use this tag to indicate the language of content.
A user agent has a feature to read web pages verbally using synthetic speech.  A user is browsing a web site devoted to language translation.  As the browser is speaking the content of the page, the synthetic speech switches to the language of the content, using appropriate pronunciation and related characteristic's for the language.

Received on Friday, 26 February 2010 21:10:54 UTC