Re: UAAG2 definition addition: "input configuration"

aloha, jan!

in reference to my suggested wording on adding Access Module to accesskey 
in the input configuration definition, you are quite correct -- both 
solutions are equally acceptable, until one is proved superior to the 
other; hopefully there will be some mapping between them, although the 
extensibility of HTML5 is still in question, which would prelude authors 
using either or both (that is the point of modularization -- the smaller 
the spec, the sooner it is adapted and put to multiple re-use)

PF is pondering the question of what to do about the accesskey inherited
from HTML4x

and how to get developers to consider the Access Module, to which this 
working group gave advice, counsel and content:

i have inquired of the chairs of the HTML WG if HTML5 or "XHTML5" will
contain an extensibility capability so that authors could use either
ACCESSKEY or the Access Module, depending upon the author's preference
and target audience...  so far, there has been no definitive response,
although i fail to understand why an XML-serialization of HTML5 would 
not be extensible...

also in regards HTML5, UAWG members will be interested in the following

CONSERVATIVE, n.  A statesman who is enamored of existing evils,
as distinguished from the Liberal, who wishes to replace them 
with others.         -- Ambrose Bierce, _The Devil's Dictionary_
             Gregory J. Rosmaita,
  Camera Obscura:

Received on Thursday, 10 July 2008 18:00:11 UTC