simultaneous rendering of image and its descriptor


i'm not sure whether the following falls under 3.6 or 3.7 or in a 
checkpoint of its own:

1. Allow configuration to allow simultaneous rendering of an image and 
its long descriptor

use cases:
1. user with severely restricted viewport needs guidance through the flow 
of the image; 

2. are users with cognitive processing issues who will require guidance 
through the detailed description

(more use cases at:
the page name is misleading, as the actual title of the page is 
"Image Equivalent Content", the "Requirement" of which is recorded thus:

"In situations where images are not available to the user (because of 
disability, choice, or UA limitation) there is a need for a mechanism 
that presents equivalent content to the user, either as an alternative to 
the image or in a side-by-side exposition. Equivalent content is not, nor 
should it be, and either/or proposition, and its method of exposition 
should be subject to user control, as some user groups may need both the 
image and its detailed description in order to make sense of the image 
or — in the case of a user with an extremely small viewport — to follow 
the image's flow."

and, yes, if that sounds familiar, its because i wrote it)

as for the "doing more" portion, here is what i verbally proposed at 
today's telecon:

--- DOING MORE ---
Support for ARIA concept of "context menus" for objects/elements:

1. expose entire range of possibilities available to the user via a 
context menu

2. limit range of possibilities to user-defined pre-selection (via 

3. exclude/include content-types/formats through UA's user preferences

No matter which setting the user sets as the default, there must be a 
mechanism that enables the exposure of the full range of possibilities -- 
even when a user has pre-set what content-types to include, as the author 
may not have provided any conditional/alternative content that meets the 
user's pre-set criterion.  It is for this reason that support for ARIA 
context menus is strongly encouraged, as they can display the entire 
range of controls and options available to the end user.


Note: the first instances of the string "context menus" should link to 
the ARIA document or the ARIA Best Practices document (which currently 
exists only on the ESW wiki, but which is being pulled together into a 
W3C note)

Relevant ARIA Properties:

1. latest PF Editor's draft (member-confidential)

2. latest public draft

  "Kill the rattlesnake that gives no warning; spare the one that 
   does."                                    -- Lenni Lenape proverb
                Gregory J. Rosmaita <>
  Camera Obscura: 
  Oedipus' Online Complex:
  UBATS - United Blind Advocates for Talking Signs:

Received on Thursday, 25 October 2007 18:31:33 UTC