Re: [Moderator Action] A side topic related to this list

Tim Lacy wrote:
> Due to my (and everyone else's) email address being posted in the list
> server archives, I am getting anywhere from 20 to 150 unsolicited emails
> per day.  This is very time consuming (and often very offensive) for me
> to purge every morning.  My filters are set so high that I have to
> review my 'junk' folder to make sure I haven't missed a 'real' email
> that happened to trip a filter.
> I can't imagine that I'm the only one experiencing this.
> Is the solution to get (yet another) hotmail account?  I'd really
> dislike having to change my email alias - which I've had for 11 years -
> just to address this, only to have it crop up again the first time I
> send email to this list.
> </WHINE>

Hi Tim,

I get up to 200 unsolicited emails per day myself. I use a tool
called spamassassin in conjunction with a "whitelist" to keep
mail manageable. The result is that:
  a) Mail from people I know goes into my "ok" box.
  b) Mail from known spammers goes into a junk box that I don't
     read, but only delete.
  c) Mail that is "unknown" goes to a third box that I review
     quickly a couple of times per day.

This setup works better than anything I've tried before.
I sympathize with your plight. I moderate this particular
list, so you are not getting spam through it (or at least
only one or two per month). But now that your email is
public (on this list or others), and in the hands of
spammers, that damage can't be undone.

  - Ian

Ian Jacobs (
Tel:                     +1 718 260-9447

Received on Friday, 1 November 2002 14:28:19 UTC