Re: HTML WG last call comments for UAAG 1.0


Thank you for your review and here are some initial comments.


comments in JRG:

At 11:47 AM 9/24/2002 +0200, Steven Pemberton wrote:

>I hear you are planning to move straight to PR. What are the CR exit
>criteria, and how do you measure that they have been met?

JRG: The same as other groups.  Two independent implementations of each 
requirement.  Although we may need to ask for exceptions for a few 
requirements, that have low implementation.  See implementation report:

Right now we have 2 implementations for about 92% of the requirements.

>Guideline 1. Checkpoint 1.2
>"Allow the user to activate, through keyboard input alone, all event
>handlers that are explicitly associated with the element designated by the
>content focus."
>*all* is a bit overkill here. For instance XForms allows event handlers for
>events that are part of the processing model. These events are not caused by
>the user, and are not intended to be fired by the user, and Forms processing
>would be seriously disturbed if the user could activate handlers when these
>events had not been fired. I would specify here "all event handlers for
>events that could be caused by direct user interaction", or some such.

JRG: This needs to be clarified for events that can be fired through user 

>Guideline 2. Checkpoint 2.2
>"For the purposes of this checkpoint, a text format is any media object
>given an Internet media type of "text" (e.g., "text/ plain", "text/html", or
>"text/*") as defined in RFC 2046 [RFC2046], section 4.1."
>Therefore not XHTML, which has media type application/xhtml+xml. I would
>beef up this definition to at least include XML.

JRG: Thank you for the suggestion.

>Guideline 3. Checkpoint 3.3
>"Blinking text is text whose visual rendering alternates between visible and
>invisible, at any rate of change."
>And so not blinking between different colours?

JRG: Good point, we want to cover this too.

>Checkpoint 3.5
>"Authors (and Webmasters) should use the redirect mechanisms of HTTP instead
>of client-side redirects."
>I'm not sure what this means. is <meta http-equiv="..." /> a redirect
>mechanism of HTTP? What if I don't have access to HTTP redirects? Is that
>covered by the 'should'?
>"For example, if an HTML author has used a META element for automatic
>content retrieval, allow configuration to override the automatic behavior
>with manual confirmation."
>I don't understand this.

JRG: Refresh can be disorienting to some users with disabilities and the 
refresh needs to be controlled by the user

>Guideline 4. Checkpoint 4.3
>"greys": I don't care, but pub rules says this should be "grays".
>Checkpoint 6.2
>"This checkpoint is stands apart from checkpoint 6.1": syntax error
>Checkpoint 6.6
>"The user agent is not required to provide notification of changes in the
>rendering of content ... unless the document object to make those changes."
>Syntax error
>Checkpoint 6.8
>"Support for character encodings is important so that text is not "broken"
>when communicated to assistive technologies." Please use a better expression
>than "broken". E.g. "so that text is correctly communicated to assistive
>Checkpoint 6.9
>"Export the normative bindings specified in the CSS module of the DOM) Level
>2 Style Specification" Mismatched brackets
>"For the purposes of satisfying this checkpoint, Cascading Style Sheets
>(CSS) are defined by either CSS Level 1 [CSS1] or CSS Level 2 [CSS2]."
>Why not state "any level of CSS" so you don't have to republish when level 3
>comes out?
>Checkpoint 11.4
>Would an emacs-like method of typing "escape" to go into single-key mode,
>and then letting you type a single single-key be allowable here? Or do you
>have to be able to toggle into and out of single-key mode explicitely? I
>couldn't tell.
>Checkpoint  11.5
>"interrupt a request to reload a resource;" => interrupt a request to load
>or reload a resource;
>Best wishes,
>Steven Pemberton


Received on Tuesday, 24 September 2002 12:20:39 UTC