Re: Preparation for meeting today

At 2001-10-11 12:56, you wrote:
>In order to facilitate discussion at today's teleconference please read the
>draft "how to" document on writing an implementation report[1] and Ian's
>proposals for changes[2].

Editorial notation I use:
CP #.# =checkpoint
CP #.# # ordered list item thereunder
CP #.# b unordered list item thereunder

[General comment 1: suggest you consistently use close punctuation,
typically "." on each list item.]

[General comment 2: "Ask the developer if they support this functionality."
Often the reviewer can determine these. The developer may be able to
identify any qualifications on support. If the reviewer has prejudged "yes",
the developer is unlikely to identify any qualifications to that support.
But I had hoped this document would build reviewer confidence, so that
developer needn't be the sole source for answers.]

[General comment 3: Links to Checkpoints are broken.]

Intro: First sentence: Make singular: How to do a review, not several.

"This document is designed to help XpeopleX perform _an_ implementation 
reviewXsX of _a_ user agent technolog_y_XiesX. For each _User Agent 
Accessibility Guideline (_UAAG_)_ checkpoint_,_ information is provided on 
how to XevelauteX_evaluate_ the user agent for the checkpoint requirements 
and the markup for Xspecific specificationsX _each of the _
guidelines  that should be implemented and available through the user 
interface. An evaluation by or in cooperation with a developer greatly 
facilitates an evaluation and for some UAAG requirements is necessary.

CP 1.1   1. b2 Check to see if the index or table of contents 
XforX_includes_ keyboard or short cut references [Is that what you mean?]
CP 1.1   2. Try Operating System keyboard features for keyboard support 
(i.e. _u_XUXsing the Alt key to access menu items or tab to navigate dialog 
box controls in Microsoft Windows)

CP 1.2 On a web resource with know_n_ [What is to be known? to whom?] 
pointer based event handlers, test to see if the pointer based event 
handlers can be activated through the keyboard commands alone.
CP 1.2 b6 onDBC_l_ick

Also:     onreset   on FORM  These I found (all lower-case) in HTML4.01 DTDs
           onselect  on INPUT
           onsubmit  on FORM
           onload    on BODY
           onunload  on BODY

CP 2.3 Render Conditional Content.

     What is your criteria for recognizing conditional content?
         <img alt="required" title="implied" longdesc="implied">
         <area alt="required"...>

     It is inadequate to assert that any attribute default of #IMPLIED
     has meaning only when some value for that attribute name is present.
     By default, a UA can make a choice should some attribute name be
     missing in a tag.

     Why is ACRONYM element conditional, but not ABBR? In neither case must
     the tag be present.

     [How does the UA respond to presence of both SCRIPT and its alternative
     NOSCRIPT; or FRAME and its alternative NOFRAME

CP 2.4 2. If there is no specific markup (i.e. scripting of a non-specific 
markup) to time user interaction, the user agent does [What?]

CP 6.6 "Conventional keyboard APIs"  [Who sets the convention?]


Received on Friday, 12 October 2001 01:06:49 UTC