Draft Techniques for 4.8



4.8 Allow the user to configure the position of captions on graphical
displays. [Priority 1] 


Normally the position of the captions window is defined by the author or
the default user agent settings. However, sometimes the captions are
disturbing as they are placed on top of information that the user wants to
see. Especially, this might be the case when the user has low sight and has
enlarged the caption text. Also the size of the user's screen may vary so
it is not always possible to place the captions outside the video or other
windows and sometimes the user may need to adjust the position of the
caption window just because of her preferred way of organizing the space on
the screen.

There are several ways how to implement this. Easiest from the user point
of view is if the user agent can allow the user to drag and drop the
captions to a place on the screen like any other window. If the author is
using stylesheets for positioning the captions an overriding stylesheet
need to be defined. Most probably a user would also like to store the
default positioning for the captions e.g. always under the rest of the
presentation. In many cases, the user agent probably needs to allow the
positioning of any region of the presentation as it is difficult to
separate when the region contains captions and when not.

Here is an example of how the layout can be defined in SMIL 1.0

Received on Tuesday, 1 February 2000 15:04:15 UTC