WD#177: User control of current focus change and notification.

Gregory and David,
I propose that we have captured the essence of the problem stated in issue
WD#177 related to the focus and notification issues related to user agent
spawned windows in checkpoint 4.15 Allow the user to control user agent
initiated spawned viewports. [Priority 2].   I suggest that if you support this
view that the action item work Gregory is doing related to describing the
problem and possible solutions should be placed in the techniques document.

What do you think?


Jon Gunderson, Ph.D., ATP
Coordinator of Assistive Communication and Information Technology
Chair, W3C WAI User Agent Working Group
Division of Rehabilitation - Education Services
College of Applied Life Studies
University of Illinois at Urbana/Champaign
1207 S. Oak Street, Champaign, IL  61820

Voice: (217) 244-5870
Fax: (217) 333-0248

E-mail: jongund@uiuc.edu

WWW: http://www.staff.uiuc.edu/~jongund
WWW: http://www.w3.org/wai/ua

Received on Wednesday, 19 January 2000 17:42:09 UTC