Re: AGENDA ADDITION: Discussion of Ian's User Agent Responsibility Proposal

At 2000-01-03 12:59-0500, Ian Jacobs wrote:

>I'd like to propose that we also discuss (and that the WG
>read in advance) the "User Agent Responsibilities" document
>that I published on 28 December [1].

I have augmented with my comments your work. I believe you have
made a significant contribution. For me, coming at the UAG from
that slice, without having been close to the recent face-to-face
and discussions, has given a refreshed view. However, as I am
behind, some of my comments may well have been well-discussed.

I believe I have probably raised some new issues. Ian or Jon,
please use your judgement, and if they are in fact new, move
them to the appropriate place for discussion/deferral.

Per Ian's request to Jon,
Do you have a single HTML version of the document with your
suggestions integrated? It would be easier to read.
Thank you,
- Ian

My commented version is at:

In it my comments should stick out, as they are in bold-italic.

>The goal of the document is to be the first step towards
>establishing a mechanism for determining what are the
>responsibilities of general purpose browsers and what
>are the responsibilities of assistive technologies.
>Thank you,
>  - Ian
Regards/Harvey Bingham

Received on Wednesday, 5 January 2000 10:45:42 UTC