- From: Ian Jacobs <ij@w3.org>
- Date: Mon, 06 Dec 1999 08:35:19 -0500
- To: "Martin J. Duerst" <duerst@w3.org>
- CC: w3c-wai-ua@w3.org
"Martin J. Duerst" wrote: > > Dear Working Group, > > Below please find the last call comments from the Internationalization > (I18N) WG on the User Agent Accessibility Guidelines 1.0. Many thanks to the Working Group for their review! > Please note that the comments below contain links to W3C Member > Confidential material such as the minutes of our meeting; some > of you may not be able to follow these links, but that should > not affect the ability to understand our comments; the links > are only provided for reference. > > The following is the relevant excerpt from our minutes, > at http://www.w3.org/International/Group/1999/12/ftf8/minutes#UAGL: > > ---- start of excerpt > [Review of] > User Agent Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 > > WD-WAI-USERAGENT-19991105 and > WD-WAI-USERAGENT-TECHS-19991105 have been reviewed. > > DECISION: We agreed that checkpoint 2.3 and 2.9 need more > work. > > DECISION: We agreed that multiple active insersion point need > to be allowed for BIDI. > ---- end of excerpt > > Some explanations on the comments above: > > Checkpoint 2.3: This checkpoint asks to render content according > to natural language identifiers. [Priority 1]. The problem here > is that the number of natural languages is large, and the effort > to support a language may be very significant. If this checkpoint > can only be satisfied if a UA renders *all* natural languages, this > means that it is impossible to satisfy this checkpoint. If something > else is intended by this checkpoint, then this should be clarified. This issue has already been raised as issue 140. I will make sure that your proposals are discussed at our face-to-face meeting. http://cmos-eng.rehab.uiuc.edu/ua-issues/issues-linear.html#140 > It is difficult to say exactly what the right thing to do is here, > but the following solutions should be explored: > > - Combine 2.3 and 2.9 in one checkpoint, saying that either of them > has to be done. > - Link support for particular languages e.g. in visual mode and in > audio mode. > - Require support for languages needed in the area the product is > marketed. > - Change the definition of 'Applicable checkpoint' or of Conformance > to include coverage of natural languages. That's my preferred solution. > Checkpoint 2.9: It was unclear to us whether this checkpoint can > be satisfied by not allowing configuration, or whether the > ability to configure is a necessary precondition. Yes. I propose the following editorial clarification: For identified but unsupported natural languages, allow the user to request notification of language changes. Note. The user should be able to request no notification of language changes. > Note: Upon writing this comment, I also became aware of the > following: In particular for many forms of visual rendering > (in contrast to text-to-speach conversion), there is no > difference in rendering between various languages (exceptions > are hyphenation and high-quality microtypography issues). > In such contexts, offering the ability to switch on a notification > does not make sense. I think that graphically, sufficient notification takes place with the use of a different font family. > Note: It is unclear whether 'identified but unsupported' means > that the UA knows e.g. that en-us (the form that appears in > HTML and XML) corresponds to U.S. English, or not, or can mean > both. This should be clarified. Given that request, perhaps it makes more sense to clarify your above point about supported languages by adding a note to 2.3 such as: Note. A user agent may not support all languages. When a user agent supports a language identified by a multipart identifier (e.g., "en-us"), the user agent must indicate in its conformance claim which language it claims to support (e.g., "en" alone, "en-us" alone, or both). Please let me know if the above note make sense and whether it: a) Uses the appropriate terminology b) Could use a better example than "en" and "en-us". > Definition Insertion Point says: A viewport has at most one > insertion point. This is not true for bidirectional (Hebrew, > Arabic) visually rendered text. In this case, there is logically > always only one insertion point, but this may correspond to > two locations on screen, and is typically represented by > splitting the cursor into an upper half and a lower half. > The text should be changed to mention this, or at least > be clarified to avoid misunderstandings in this respect. I propose the following changes to the defn of insertion point: 1) A viewport has at most one <INS>logical</INS> insertion point. 2) Add this note to the end of the paragraph: Graphical user agents that render bidirectional text may render the insertion point at two locations on the screen. Often, the cursor is shown as split into an upper half and a lower half. > Note: On repeated reading, I found a similar problem in > the definition of Selection: A viewport has at most one > user selection. In the case of bidirectional text, this > is again not true. Two different ways of selection are > in use: Visual selection leads to an apparent single > selection on screen, which however has to be represented > by several logically discontinuous fragments of the > backing store text. The other way of selection is > logical selection, with a single logical fragment, > but multiple, discontinuous fragments on screen. I prefer the latter and propose the following parenthetical addition to the section on selection: A viewport has at most one user selection (though the selection may be rendered graphically as discontinuous text fragments). > We also discussed Checkpoints 10.1 and 10.2. Handling keyboard > state is more complicated in particular in East Asian languages > than it is e.g. in English. However, we have not found an > I18N-related argument that would contribute to the questions > explicitly asked in the Status of this Document in the last call. Ok. > Upon repeated reading, I also found the following I18N-related > points: > > - Please don't forget to add a link to a translations page > (and errata page) once this goes to Recommendation. The link is already in the comments on the document source. > - The use of standard APIs is recommended throughout for good > reasons. However, it would be worth mentioning that some > languages/scripts are not supported by standard APIs or > their implementations on some platforms. In many such > cases, resources are also limited. The Guidelines should > not lead to disqualify implementations not based on standard > APIs in such cases, because this may affect support for > smaller and minority languages. The text on 'applicable > checkpoints' should be modified to take limits of standard > APIs into account. Yes. Someone else also raised the question of "what do you do when no standard API exists". A new definition of "applicability" should cover this. > - Checkpoints 8.5 and 2.2 refer to information about the expected > natural language of a target resource (via the hreflang attribute). > It should be noted that this attribute is most probably very > rarely used in actual documents. The main purpose, as far as > I can remember, was to be able to distinguish several otherwise > equivalent <link> elements. Ok. > - Definition 'Natural Language': 'by HTTP headers' should be > replaced by 'by the HTTP Content-Language header'. Ok. Thank you and the I18N WG very much, Martin, for the thorough and thoughtful review. - Ian -- Ian Jacobs (jacobs@w3.org) http://www.w3.org/People/Jacobs Tel/Fax: +1 212 684-1814 Cell: +1 917 450-8783
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