Re: FRAME Techniques (was Re: Proposed techniques for Checkpoint 2.7)

Which is one of the techniques for implementing the checkpoint that gets
picked up in the various relative priority checkpoints.


On Sun, 21 Nov 1999, Ian Jacobs wrote:

  "Gregory J. Rosmaita" wrote:
  >NOTE 4: in reference to FRAMES, the WCAG Techniques document states:
  >4.10.4 Always make the source of a frame an HTML document
  >    Checkpoints in this section: 6.2.
  > Content developers must provide text equivalents of frames so that their
  > contents and the relationships between frames make sense. Note that as the
  > contents of a frame change, so must change any description. This is not
  > possible if an IMG is inserted directly into a frame. Thus, content
  > developers should always make the source ("src") of a frame an HTML file.
  > Images may be inserted into the HTML file and their text alternatives will
  > evolve correctly.
  > is this something that needs to be referenced in the UAGL Techniques
  > document, or should it be addressed in the ATAG Techniques document?
  Yes to ATAG. 
  More than requiring a repair strategy, we should fix the spec
  that allows this.
   - Ian
  > i raise the issue because i used the phrase "document or resource" in
  > several of my proposed techniques, since an author may use a FRAMESET
  > element (i.e. a FRAME element) to point to a SMIL document or an XML
  > document, and not only an HTML document...  of course, anyone who
  > references a naked image using a FRAME element should be keelhauled, but
  > that's another topic altogether!
  Ian Jacobs (
  Tel/Fax:                     +1 212 684-1814
  Cell:                        +1 917 450-8783

--Charles McCathieNevile  
phone: +1 617 258 0992
W3C Web Accessibility Initiative
MIT/LCS  -  545 Technology sq., Cambridge MA, 02139,  USA

Received on Thursday, 25 November 1999 05:37:19 UTC