Re: FRAME Techniques (was Re: Proposed techniques for Checkpoint 2.7)

"Gregory J. Rosmaita" wrote:
>NOTE 4: in reference to FRAMES, the WCAG Techniques document states:

>4.10.4 Always make the source of a frame an HTML document
>    Checkpoints in this section: 6.2.
> Content developers must provide text equivalents of frames so that their
> contents and the relationships between frames make sense. Note that as the
> contents of a frame change, so must change any description. This is not
> possible if an IMG is inserted directly into a frame. Thus, content
> developers should always make the source ("src") of a frame an HTML file.
> Images may be inserted into the HTML file and their text alternatives will
> evolve correctly.
> is this something that needs to be referenced in the UAGL Techniques
> document, or should it be addressed in the ATAG Techniques document?

Yes to ATAG. 

More than requiring a repair strategy, we should fix the spec
that allows this.

 - Ian

> i raise the issue because i used the phrase "document or resource" in
> several of my proposed techniques, since an author may use a FRAMESET
> element (i.e. a FRAME element) to point to a SMIL document or an XML
> document, and not only an HTML document...  of course, anyone who
> references a naked image using a FRAME element should be keelhauled, but
> that's another topic altogether!

Ian Jacobs (
Tel/Fax:                     +1 212 684-1814
Cell:                        +1 917 450-8783

Received on Sunday, 21 November 1999 16:11:55 UTC