RE: 6.1 - priority

aloha, denis!

in response to charles' proposal that checkpoint 6.1 be accorded a relative
priority, you stated

Ultimately, we are hoping that priority 2 and priority 3 features are
supported.  This might be a serial raising of the bar for "conformance" over
time.  Would that be incentive enough?

to which i respond, as i did when the question of quote raising the bar unquote
was raised at the Redmond Face2Face meeting [1], that we are not raising the
bar, but, rather, replacing the bar to its quote proper unquote height...  it
is the developers of quote mainstream unquote user agents who have knocked the
bar down -- what we are doing by drafting guidelines is placing the bar back
where it belongs, by clearly stating what comprises the base functionality of
user agents...

after, all, what is the ultimate goal of the UAGL?  are we not attempting to
define the base functionality of a user agent by addressing the following

1) what is the minimum functionality required for obtaining information?
2) what is the minimum functionality required for communicating that
information either directly to the user or to other programs?


1. Face2Face Minutes (search for the string quote raise the bar unquote)
He that lives on Hope, dies farting
     -- Benjamin Franklin, Poor Richard's Almanack, 1763
Gregory J. Rosmaita <>
   WebMaster and Minister of Propaganda, VICUG NYC

Received on Tuesday, 9 November 1999 18:35:17 UTC