Re: direct and spatial mapping to functionalities

Al Gilman wrote:
> >> Ian wrote:
> >> But we have the following
> >> _three_ axes mixed together in the discussion so far:
> >
> >1) >keyboard vs. pointing device for selection and activation;
> >
> > Checkpoint 1.2 requires device-independent activation (there's
> >            no mention of selection, but that's covered by 1.1).
> >
> >2) spatial layout vs. named hierarchy for orientation to the range
> >   of verb options;
> >
> >   So it sounds like we need to say something about being able
> >   to access user agent functionality along the following
> >   "axes of independence" (do I sound like Al here?? ;-):
> >
> >    a) Device-independence
> >    b) Spatial-independence (I don't want to have to move a pointer
> >                             in a 2- or 3-dimensional space).
> >    c) Temporal-independence (Don't make me activate within 2 seconds).
> >
> >   Am I getting it? Al, how does that relate to your thought below
> >   (refer to "This leaves me thinking...".
> This is really good, but I don't yet feel it is the final image.
> I am nervous about the "device-independent" term.  

Proposed: change "device-independence" to "device-redundancy"

> All of this is to say that we don't have to fill a three-dimensional space
> with the axes you listed with available methods at all coordinates.

That's an important point, which should reassure developers. Similar: we
in WCAG that accessibility doesn't mean "don't use video", it means
"make video accessible". 

> What I see as the requirement is that the UI needs to be adaptable in
> enough ways so that it can be profiled to avoid selected performance
> limitations of the human user.

This is a lovely formulation and I would like to add to the UAGL.
> I think we need to start with a look of "how we change the UI to work
> around disabilities" and see a) what gets substituted and b) what
> performance degrees of freedom get taxed to give relief where there is a
> problem.
> Direct commands give some relief in terms of actuation repetition or count.
>  The can be arranged to tax either cognition (speech user remembers all
> those Jaws commands) or sensation/perception (touch-screen applications
> where waiter enters meal order).
> That's not a polished set of axioms, but I hope it helps.

Yes, thank you!

 - Ian

Received on Thursday, 21 October 1999 23:31:24 UTC