Re: What is documentation?

Documentation is "things written about something". The warranty, the help
files, the book that comes with it, the instructions scribble onto the box
by the salesman or your mum are documentation. Although some of these are
outside the control of the UA developer.

my 2 cents worth


On Mon, 1 Mar 1999, Kitch Barnicle wrote:

  I've been doing more thinking about the documentation issue. I'd just like
  to clarify what we mean when we talk about documentation. Since many user
  agents don't come with manuals, I had been assuming that documentation
  includes an application's built-in help system as well as any print
  materials that may accompany a product. Is that a safe assumption?  Does
  the term documentation only apply to manuals? 
  What about context sensitive help? Should the help system and any "manuals"
  be treated separately in regards to checkpoints for accessibility? 

--Charles McCathieNevile  
phone: +1 617 258 0992
W3C Web Accessibility Initiative
MIT/LCS  -  545 Technology sq., Cambridge MA, 02139,  USA

Received on Wednesday, 3 March 1999 11:29:26 UTC