browser functionality for accessibility apps

Comments on functionality for accessibility programs:

>Since we currently don't have any special web support in our ZoomText
>products, I may not have had much to add to the conversation.  But, we
>are very interested in improving our web support in the future.  One
>area I would like to stress, is the ability for an accessibility
>application to command and control a browser.  For example, we would
>like the ability to navigate through a web page, highlighting spoken
>text, scrolling a page up or down and executing links.  Commands to do
>so would originate in ZoomText.  
>Our goal is to present a web page in a magnified form that is better
>suited to a low-vision user (similar to what we currently do in
>DocReader).  But, we'd like to avoid the context switch of leaving the
>browser into another environment.  A good compromise would be for
>ZoomText to programmatically control the browser while magnifying
>sections of text in another window.  The more command and control we
>have over the browser the better.

Ben Weiss
Ai Squared

Received on Friday, 12 February 1999 08:37:41 UTC