Re: Definition of mainstream browser

I wouldn't want to bet that WebTV is not becoming mainstream browser -- the
operative word being "becoming". MS and WebTV Networks are doing a huge
push in that market. Technology convergence studies prove that the more you
can move an operating environment (web/internet) to a common user interface
(tv, telephone), the better the opportunities are to reach the "average"
user (consumer). But we all know that.

I guess you just want to deal with today -- I'd still never "pigeon-hole"
myself with a narrow definition. But what do I know :-)

- Mike

At 05:03 PM 1/15/99 +0100, Daniel Dardailler wrote:
>> I'm puzzled by this definition -- are you sure that you want to say "PC
>> Platform"? How do you deal with WebTV? That's one example of a popular user
>> agent that is not PC based, right? 
>That's the point: excluse things like WebTV, Web Kiosk, Voice Browser, 
>etc from the "mainstream browser" set. 

Received on Friday, 15 January 1999 12:00:08 UTC