Re: note from May 12th call (Frame navigation)

In addition to the notes from Kitch Barnicle I would like to post a remark
concerning the statement quoted below.

> Q: Do we need to make a suggestion regarding navigation through
> frames?  Some screen readers do not follow focus across frames.  This
> may be a screen reader issue since the focus does seem to move
> "visually".

I don't share the idea this is a screenreader issue at all. And please,
allow me to show you why.

Developers of graphical products do state most of the time that the use of a
pointing devices must be optional at all times. Navigating by keyboard
should always be possible for all users.
If a graphical webbrowser (like Microsoft's IE in this case) does not
completely obey this simple rule, how should a screenreader than be
responsible to solve this problem?
Saying it the other way arround. If an application has good navigation
features, than screenreaders can just follow that navigation and stay
reading without forcing their users to navigate two applications in stead of

So we should not be talking about visaul moving of focus, because that is
only what some of us see. We should be talking about the basic subject of
navigating without the use of pointing devices. This should be a right (as
William Loughborough shows us) even if one can see and point and does not
use a screenreader at all.

When I give you the impression now that the problem is not a screenreader
issue but only an issue for the browser developers you are mistaken. I feel
very strong that it would be welcome if this group could give a general
advise how navigation through frames should behave. I believe this is a
topic worth to work on in stead of just searching for an other shelf to
store it on. I wish you all lots of luck and expertise.

met vriendelijke groet / with kind regards,
Henk Wittingen - Ede gld - NL

Received on Wednesday, 13 May 1998 11:40:27 UTC