debugging HTTP failures

Here is an idea I want to get on file for consideration by the ER

A logging gateway that helps capture information to document
a trouble experience by a user.

The problem today:

	HTTP troubles are pretty much hidden from the user.  	
	Browsers don't have technical support.

The solution is to have a middleware engine that logs a session
in which the user reproduces the problem.  This will capture the
User-Agent headers, the HTTP traffic, and give the site tech
support a much better trouble ticket than the user can.

The process would work a lot like or Silas's 
gateway, but the deal is "If you have trouble gaining access
to a site or page on the web, get the URL for where you were
trying to go, go to [logging gateway] and see if you can reproduce
the problem.  If the problem repeats, follow the instructions
at [logging gateway] for filing a trouble report."

For HTTP errors, this is a W3C enforcement activity more than
a WAI enforcement activity.  But disabled users are especially
vulnerable to quality problems in the web services.  They would
be more likely to use this thing and contribute to the overall
quality of the Web thereby.


Received on Saturday, 18 July 1998 10:48:49 UTC