Re: What shall we do about evaluation tools

> Which if any of the following shall we deal with?
>  1. accessibility tests that can be done in a purely automatic manner
>  2. tests that require human judgment
>  3. tools to help the humans do those judgments

I think 3 naturally comes with 2.

>  4. an algorithm for an overall score

1 to 4 are in the bag I would call evaluation/rating services.
(Bobby, weblint, robot, etc)

>  5. automated repair of access problems
>  6. semi-automated repair of access problems

These are in the "improving" bag.

I think 6 is more in the realm of the AU group.

> a. write a specification

We need to start with that and see what exists that fit this spec and
what should be done.

Received on Tuesday, 17 March 1998 08:49:29 UTC