What shall we do about evaluation tools

Subject: What sorts of activities shall we do with respect to tools.

We need to decide on the specific things we will do as a group.  One
general area is that of tools (like Bobby) that evaluate accessibilty.

Which if any of the following shall we deal with?

 1. accessibility tests that can be done in a purely automatic manner
 2. tests that require human judgment
 3. tools to help the humans do those judgments
 4. an algorithm for an overall score
 5. automated repair of access problems
 6. semi-automated repair of access problems
 7. Other, viz. (fill in the blank)

And what sort of involvement should that be?  For example, 

a. write a specification
b. collect data needed for evaluation, e.g. capabilities of current
c. develop tools
d. provide master page that forwards to one or more tools
e. serve as clearinghouse for tools (and what does clearinghouse mean)
f. Other, viz. (fill in the blank).


kasday@att.com         phone 732 949 2693

Leonard R. Kasday
Room 1J-316A
AT&T Laboratories
101 Crawfords Corner Rd.
Holmdel NJ 07733


Received on Saturday, 14 March 1998 16:13:06 UTC