- From: David Clark <dmclark@cast.org>
- Date: 10 Mar 98 09:14:04 -0500
- To: Harvey Bingham <hbingham@ACM.org>
- CC: "w3c-wai-rc@w3.org" <w3c-wai-rc@w3.org>
Reply to: RE:Reporting of accessibility problems Harvey, Thanks for the summary, I'll be interested to hear how other people respond. I think one of the other issues to raise is that not all of the guidelines are readily quantifiable by a computer program. Also, we are abandoning the four star rating system in favor of pass/fail based on the analogous argument: "1 step or 100 steps, it's still inaccessible." David Clark CAST, Inc. On 3/9/98, Harvey Bingham wrote: >Summary: How should the WAI accessibility guidelines be integrated >into >accessibility analysis and reporting tools like Bobby. > >The WAI Accessibility guidelines, with Required and Recommended >problem >severity, should be the basis for a measure of URL accessibility. >What measure should we recommend: > >1. Should any failing of a Required guideline in the content of a URL > report that URL as an accessibility failure? > >2. Should any failing of a Recommended guideline report a warning? > >3. Should summary counts of total failings and warnings be in the report? > >4. Should further breakdown of summary counts be by kind? > >Current Bobby uses an opaque algorithm to rank a URL as 1 to 4 stars. >Most results are either 1 star (bad) or 4 stars (assertedly accessible). > >Sites that generate frame content (by script, applet, or activeX-control) >may have nothing in the body for Bobby to analyze, so may get 4 stars, >even though they may be totally inaccessible. > >5. Should the amount of accessible material be factored into the report? > >6. Is there a tactful way to make such reports to sites other than your >own? > >Background: > >My prior attempts at reporting Bobby results to different companies have >been minimally effective, even though I provided summaries of the >problems >encountered, encouraged Bobby use, and showed how to use it: > >* Two passes three months apart over the home pages of about 50 >SGML > Open member companies (showing most had problems, and a trend >for > more getting worse than getting better, as their web pages evolved > into more layout-intensive graphics, frames, imagemaps, and layout > tables.) > >* One pass over the home pages of all the companies supporting the >Microsoft > Content Data Format. I sent this to key players at Microsoft for further > distribution. No one at Microsoft acknowledged that combined report. > >Josh Krieger says he will soon be revising Bobby analysis to recognize >the >problems identified in the accessibility guidelines. > >The questions I pose above should help with that new Bobby analysis. > >Regards/Harvey Bingham > > > >RFC822 header >----------------------------------- >From w3c-wai-rc-request@w3.org Mon Mar 09 23:13:55 1998 >Received: by CASTSERVER1.cast.org from localhost > (router,QMProSrv V2.5); Mon, 09 Mar 1998 23:13:55 -0500 >Received: by CASTSERVER1.cast.org from www19.w3.org > ( daemon; unverified,QMProSrv V2.5); Mon, 09 Mar >1998 23:13:54 -0500 >Received: by www19.w3.org (8.8.5/8.6.12) id XAA20250; Mon, 9 Mar 1998 >23:13:00 -0500 (EST) >Resent-Date: Mon, 9 Mar 1998 23:13:00 -0500 (EST) >Resent-Message-Id: <199803100413.XAA20250@www19.w3.org> >Message-Id: <> >X-Sender: bingham@pop.tiac.net >X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Pro Version 3.0.3 (32) >Date: Mon, 09 Mar 1998 18:57:52 -0500 >To: <w3c-wai-rc@w3.org> >From: Harvey Bingham <hbingham@ACM.org> >Mime-Version: 1.0 >Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" >Subject: Reporting of accessibility problems >Resent-From: w3c-wai-rc@w3.org >X-Mailing-List: <w3c-wai-rc@w3.org> archive/latest/4 >X-Loop: w3c-wai-rc@w3.org >Sender: w3c-wai-rc-request@w3.org >Resent-Sender: w3c-wai-rc-request@w3.org >Precedence: list > >
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