Re: Research on Accessibility

At 07:41 p.m. 04/18/98 -0500, Suzan Dolloff wrote:
>It was having a physical condition -- WHATEVER it's called -- being
>capitalized for which I expressed the opinion it's unnecessary and might
>even suggest to some a distinction is being made which no one intended and
>no one needs.

Well, I dunno, sometimes people use Capital Letters for no good
reason at all.  I myself am an unrepentant Capitalist.

>K. Bartlett said:
>>There are some of you who have done it -- who have taken the
>>technical steps and financial steps and logistical steps
>>necessary to put yourself on the web.  And that's _great_, and
>>I applaud you for it.  

>I neither require, nor seek, your applause.

Well, I applaud myself for getting on the net when it was a lot
harder, 12 years ago.  Maybe I'm just a clap-happy guy?

>Please tell me how I might have
>phrased my entire email differently that you would not have so totally
>misunderstood its intent. 

I dunno.  What was your intent?

>Indeed, you are speaking from a non-disabled perspective. As I recall, this
>thread began when someone mentioned her desire to hear from disabled people
>on the Internet.

Actually I think she was talking about some research she was
planning to. :)

>K. Bartlett wrote:
>>Me?  I think it's a symptom of my overactive sense of justice.
>>Too many comic books as a kid, don'tcha know.
>>--Kynn, Superhero

>I might suggest you become more attentive when listening to the people
>whose cause you are "championing" then. 

Point of order -- I'm not championing _you_ or your cause.  I
"champion" justice.  It's unjust for a certain class of people
to be unable to access the net; so I work to make a net where
everyone has equal access.  But I'm not doing it "for the poor
blind people" (that's sarcastic quotes; I don't go around
pitying folks or whatever), I'm doing it because I Do What Is


PS:  What did I crosspost?  Near as I can tell, my original message
     on this subject went to you, and the mailing list on which
     you had replied to the original poster.

Kynn Bartlett <>
Governing Board Member, HTML Writers Guild
Education and Outreach working group member,
  Web Accessibility Initiative

Received on Saturday, 18 April 1998 21:36:56 UTC