Unicode characters used as images


If I had a shopping list and each item had a 'cross' next to it to indicate it was completed but the unicode 'heavy multiplication x' character was used for the cross, is this a failure of any sc?

They're basically using a text character like an image because they're using it for its physical characteristics, but they're not marking it up as an image (for example with an aria img role) and giving it an alt. It's read with JAWS as 'heavy multiplication x'.

My thoughts are - could it fail name, role, value because it's used as an image but doesnt have that role?
Could it fail info and relationships because it coveys information visually but not programmatically? (But then thats like saying images with unclear alts should fail 1.3.1)
I don't think it fails sensory characteristics because there's no corresponding instructions that refer to it by its appearance



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Received on Monday, 5 February 2024 12:55:08 UTC